Friday, November 4, 2011

Winter Snacks.

I'm going to keep writing about topics I talked about for winter for my blog post today.

   I want to talk about cookies and snacks that we have around the winter time.  There are two different types of Gingerbread.  I like gingerbread men and houses better than the actual bread type of gingerbread.  What I like most about them is that you can dip them in Egg Nogg.  I also like decorating them.

   I also like Winter because Christmas candy comes out into the stores. I like Candy Canes, but my favorite type of candy are those plastic candy canes filled with different types of candy.  The ones with Reeces-minis are my favorite.  Dad likes these things called chocolate covered cherries, which I think are disgusting.  They remind me of chocolate dipped caramels, which I love, but then you're stuck with a nasty cherry and this goo that squirts out into your mouth.


Bob said...

Thanks for writing about how great winter can be.

I've been missing summer because I like to hike in the mountain and camp at lakes, but the hikes are getting wet and the mountain lakes are getting frozen over.

It was nice to hear about the fun parts of winter!

Jonathan said...

Hey Bob THANKS FOR CHECKNG MY BLOG!!! Did you like the Calvin and Hobbs picture of sledding? I like to go camping too, but I hear what you're saying about the rain. It takes all the fun out of having a campfire if it's in the rain. My Cub-scout Pack won't have a campout if it's going to rain.

But seriously Bob, I think I've seen pictures of you sledding with Old Guy and Dad. Isn't sledding fun? Do you have a favorite Christmas time Candy?

Aunt Arch said...

Sledding is my favorite part of winter also. None of my friends in Pittsburgh had gone sledding last year. I was horrified, so I bought an extra "loaner" sled because we have much better hills here than Spokane.

My friend Vivian is from Nigeria (look it up on a map, it is in Africa) - so I guess it makes sense she'd never been sledding. My other friend Sam is from Texas, but her family is from Sri Lanka (another place with no snow). Both of them liked sledding.

Madelyn said...

Hey Dr. Anna what makes the hills there better than Spokane? Also not know the wonder of snow is the worst thing I can think of. Do you have to teach them how to bail? Also when you worked in the ER did you ever have to take care of someone who got hurt sledding?

Arch said...

So many questions! Pittsburgh is very hilly - like Seattle but worse. There are some very nice hills that are dedicated to sledding in the public parks. Unlike the anti-sledding policy in the Spokane parks, Pgh embraces it as a public sport. Apparently learning to balance on a sled must be done in your youth. Most adults I've gone sledding with kept falling off (Robert, my friends in Pgh) - so we never got to advanced maneuvers like bailing or steering. A friend at church in junior high sustained compression fractures when she went over a jump as an adult on sled. No jumps for me.

Bob said...

Yeah. I love the Calvin & Hobbs sledding picture - it really makes me wonder what would happen if he actually tried to sled through that loop!

I'm the same way as your scout troop. If it's raining, I'll unpack and watch a movie about hiking instead!

I had a great time sledding with your dad and Old Guy. They had to teach me how to sled on snow because I'd only ever sledded on mud before (I'm joking, but only a little bit). Actually, as a kid I slid down grass hills on cardboard. Snow? What's that?

I'm a fan of candy canes, actually. I bet I know what you'd like to see in your Christmas stocking - chocolate covered cherries! Yum!

(yes - I'm kidding again :)

Jonathan said...

Dr. Anna thanks for all the information. Dad was telling me about sledding hills outside Cheney that he and Uncle Boo went on when they went to college. He said he got going so fast that it hurt his eyes. Dad also told me about going slush sledding with old guy. Do you remember that? I'm going to talk to old guy about the Physics of that.

Jonathan said...

Hey Bob, so I wonder if it would be cool to mount a F-4 Phantom Jet to your sled. Do you think that Calvin could do that loop if he had the jet engine? One of the other things Calvin needs to do is put air bags on the sled. Dad says that Hobbs would appreciate that.

Bob is it only the mint candy canes you like, or are the old fashioned cherry ones good too? Also did you know there's a company named BOB'S that makes candy canes? We only buy our candy canes from BOB'S. Unless we're getting a big Jimmy. They're the ones that are an inch thick and 18 inches long. Those are the BEST!

Bob said...

Cool. I like the idea of a candy cane company named BOB's. I've got to find out where I can score some of their stuff!

A candy cane an inch thick and 18 inches long would satisfy a heck of a sweet tooth I'm thinking!

I've really only tried the mint candy canes - you mean there's more?? Cherry sounds pretty good - what do you like best?

Oh, yeah. If Calvin had access to an F4, I could easily imagine him roping it to his sled and trying it out. I'm betting that Hobbs would LOVE the airbag option. That way, after the jet had plowed right through the jump (and a couple of trees) and wrecked somewhere in a smoking heap, Hobbs could stand over a crumpled, hurting Calvin and say, "Can we do that again?"

Sometimes, when Hobbs is having a good time, he doesn't seem to notice that Calvin is in pain. Hmm. Or maybe Hobbs is a just little bit of a sadist...

Rev. Dave said...

I had to stop sledding when I was at Whitworth because I broke my thumb going off a sweet jump. Our sledding hill was almost a half a mile long! When we were kids, I always got stuck behind uncle Boo on the sled, which meant that I never had any warning of when to bail. For really fun sledding stories, ask your dad about sledding at the pump house at night when the river was frozen over and what almost happened to aunt Bethy!
Don't really like Christmas Candy because I like Christmas cookies more! I have so much trouble not eating them that aunt Stasia and I only make one batch a week during Advent so we don't get too many. I can't decide if I like Toffee squares or Russian Tea Cakes the best.

Jonathan said...

Thanks Uncle Dave. What sucked about riding behind Uncle Boo. Didn't he bail in time? Also Dad doesn't really remember going night sledding at the pumphouse, but he does remember going slush sledding behind the apartments. Do you remember going slush sledding. Also Dad has stories about sledding in the Cul-de-Sac and almost making it to the busy street at the end on grandma's runner sled. Did you ever make it that far.

What's wrong with you Dave, everyone likes candy! Don't you even like the Gloria Mix like dad syas blue grandma used to get? What about a big jimmy candy cane? So does this mean that if you get candy Myles can have all your candy?