Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Government at work part II

  So last night I went to the Central Committee Meeting of the Cowlitz County Democrats.  I found out that they are having trouble with keeping their budget strait.  Most of the talk was about the election today.  Lots of the talking about about schools and buses. They were also talking about that elected officials don't like it when people e-mail because they get TONS of e-mail.  So if you really want to talk to an elected official send a real letter to them.

    So here's something else I learned.  It was kind of boring when some of the people talked.  It seems that the more boring what they're talking about is, the longer they talk about it.  Maybe that's why nothing happens in the real Government they're all too bored to listen to each other talk.


Diane Zemke said...

I think if you want elected officials to listen you should go talk to them in person. That way you can learn more what they think and they have to look you in the eye and you become a real person.

Jonathan said...

Grandma do you think I should wear my Cub-Scout Uniform? Dad said it's harder to say no to a scout.

Diane Zemke said...

Yes, wearing your uniform is a great idea!