Wednesday, November 30, 2011

General Robert E Lee

So we missed a couple days of famous Americans so I got to read a couple different stories.  I wanted to tell you all about Robert E Lee.  Lee is was born in Virginia.  His family was a very old and famous family in Virginia.  He was even married to George Washington's one of great Granddaughters.  When he was 18 he went to West Point.

What makes him cool is that if he had been born in a different place or time, he probably would have been President. Because he was born in Virginia during the Civil War he ended up going to the Southern Army.  Lee loved being in the United States Army and was really sad when he had to leave because he wouldn't fight against people from his own state. I think that might have been a wise choice. I wouldn't want to fight against my neighbors either.

Another thing that is interesting is that his horse  "Traveler" is almost as famous as he was.  It got buried at Washington and Lee College alongside Robert E Lee.


Diane Zemke said...

I think one of the Lee's signed the Declaration of Independence. However, what I know about this I learned from watching the musical movie "1776" and Lee is in one of the songs. You might see if Netflix has it.

Jonathan said...

Dad and I couldn't find that movie, and I'd rather watch MacGyver if I can. But Biography did a cool one on Robert E Lee. Also it wasn't done by that boring guy that makes documentaries mom likes. (Ken Burns).