Monday, October 17, 2011

Thomas Jefferson

So, today I studdied about Thomas Jefferson.  I found that he had a very good education growing up.  When he was young he liked fishing, hunting, and canoeing.  He helped with the Revolutionary War, even though he wasn't a soldier.  He found other ways to serve.  He wrote nasty notes to King George, and inspirational letters to the Americans.  If America would have lost Thomas Jefferson would have been executed immediately by the British.

He's most famous for the declaration of independence and being President. He was the first President to ask people to shake his hand instead of bow when they met him.  He was also important because he made the Lousiana Purchase from France.  This was important because it helped us grow to the size we are now.  Before this the National boundry was the Mississippi River, now it's the Pacific Ocean.


Diane Zemke said...

Thomas Jefferson also really liked science and used a lot of engineering in building his home at Montecello. Maybe you could look up Montecello.

Jonathan said...

Great idea Grandma...I really like that you found out he liked science and engineering. Maybe I'll write a report on him. I think I'll start by looking for a documentary to watch.