Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Abraham Lincoln

Today I studied about Abraham Lincoln.  I learned that he was born in a pioneer cabin in Kentucky On Feb. 12 1809.  Abraham Lincoln was very skilled at using and ax, that's why they nick-named him rail-spliter.  Before he became a famous Lawyer and Politician he worked for a store and lived in a room in the back.  This didn't work out for him though, because his partner died and left him in huge debt.  What's most amazing is that Lincoln paid them all back even though he didn't have too.

When Lincoln was elected President the States were starting a civil war over States Rights.  The main issue in this though was slavery.  The United States won the war against the Confederacy, because they had more men, food, supplies, and guns than the South.

Five days after the war ended President Lincoln was shot in the head when he went to a play.  Lincoln managed to stay alive till the next day, but it eventually killed him.  Lincoln is remembered as a great leader and speaker.  We have a monument in Washington DC for him.

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