Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Driving Through Nowhere

This last weekend we drove from Longview to Spokane.  We had a great time in Spokane, but got sick on the way home.  What wasn't great was the drive.  We started in the forests near the coast, and spent forever in the desert.  Yakima is in the middle of the desert.  We had to go through Yakima to get to Moses Lake, which is also in the desert.  The desert is VERY boreing.  I found out there is an Artillary School for the Army outside of Yakima.  I was disappointed that there were no shells making the scenery a little better.  I also thought that it might be okay if a B-2 dropped a bomb in the middle of the desert there too.  Maybe the crater would stop all the stupid tumble-weeds.

I looked out of my window and wondered why there are no cactus plants growing out there.  I got the unlucky window and got stuck looking at the rock-faces of the hills in the desert.  Madelyn got to look out of the window and see a little river that runs through Yakima. Rocks are fun to examine for science, but really boreing to look at for scenery.


Diane Zemke said...

Is the picture from Eastern Washington or the Middle East? It looks more like the Middle East.

I have seen very small cacti (plural of cactus) out in the Eastern Washington desert, but nothing big or fancy. Maybe it's too cold?

Jonathan said...

This is just a picture that we found off of google images. But this looks the closest to what I had to go through out of the pictures I had to choose from.

I think it's because big cacti need to be in places with little water, otherwise they don't need much space to store much water.