Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A New Year and Back to School

Today is my first day back to school after Christmas break.  It was a great break.  Before I tell you about my break, I'd like to say thank you to everyone who read and commented on my blog in 2011.

For Christmas we got some great stuff.  It was fun to see Madelyn get things she loves.  From Grandma and Grandpa Zemke, she got some jewelry and fingernail polish.  I got a Hexbug Battle Bridge set from them.  It's so cool!  They also sent an animal to a hungry family through the Heifer Project in my name.  Thank you, Grandma and Old Guy.  From my parents, Maddy got a new book, a puzzle and a straw cup with Dora on it.  I got some Bendaroos and a chemistry t-shirt that spells bacon.  I love bacon.  Yum.  Grandma and Grandpa Pearson got me a Roku box and arts and crafts supplies for my sister.  We also got a playdough dentist set from them, and I got a Nightfinder Nerf gun.

Every Christmas we try to help somebody who has greater needs than I do.  Sometimes I think I don't have very much stuff, but I really am very lucky.  I have a nice play to live, parents who love me, good food and lots of ways to have fun.  This year since I've been doing school through CVA I have also learned about how lucky I am to have a good school, and choices for finding the ways that school is best for me.  Sometimes I think school is dumb, but really I'm glad I get to go.  I saw a video about kids in Africa who don't have desks in their classroom, and decided that this year I wanted our family to buy a desk for them.  It cost $48 to get a desk for a school in Malawi.  My mom says she also likes that the desks are made at a factory in Malawi, which means they are giving people jobs while getting desks into classrooms.

New Year's was kind of neat.  We didn't do a whole lot because my mom worked most of the night.  She has some really crazy people who call her at her job!  We did get to have some sparkling cider and watch fireworks from our balcony for a bit.  It was too cold to stay out long, though.  And now it's 2012!


Diane Zemke said...

I really like that you are generous to other people.

For Christmas we had Aunt Arch visit. Then we started working on making a closet in the basement so the basement bedroom can be more useable. Old Guy has been insulating a wall and putting in electrical wiring. This weekend we will put up the walls.

I think this is your longest blog post ever!

Jonathan said...

Thank you for the compliments about my blog. I can always count on you to reply to my blog!

How is Old Guy doing on the bedroom downstairs? Are you still going to put a bathroom in down there? How would Old Guy get the toilet to flush up?

Diane Zemke said...

Eventually we hope to put in a bathroom, but maybe not this year.
The toilet would not flush up since the sewer goes through the basement floor (I think).