Tuesday, December 13, 2011


So today I went to the zoo with Aunt Bethy and John-boat.  We went to the Portland Zoo.  It's on the top of this hill so it was extra cold and windy there.  There was nobody there though so it was great, we got to run around and see all the animals without have to wait for people to move.

My favorite animal this time was the cheetah.  It was patrolling its cage and came up to the window to see what I was.  I stuck my hand out and it jumped against the window and tried to bite my hand off.  It was GREAT!!!  It was way better than the lazy lions who were freezing their tales off.  They were all on this heated rock in the middle of their enclosure.

I was sad because we didn't get to go see the tigers.  I don't know if they would have even been out in their enclosures though.  They were too far away and Maddy and John-boat were getting tired and cranky.  This is why I put up a picture of a tiger.

I liked going with Bethy and John-boat.  They're lots of fun.


Diane Zemke said...

Maybe next time you could see the tiger. The most recent National Geographic has a nice article on all the big cats and some great pictures. Do they have National Geographic at the library?

Dave Sharon said...

Don't be sad about the tiger. You saw a cheetah, and how cool was that!

Grace said...

Ok, the cheetah trying to eat off your hand was great. Last time I went to a zoo the tiger kept following a mom holding her baby and you could just see it thinking "bite size snack".

Stasia said...

Glad to hear the Cheetahs are back! Myles and I were also "attacked" once! It was very cool... and very scary! Have you researched to see how fast a Cheetah can run?

Aunty Stasia

Jonathan said...

@Grandma- Thanks for the tip grandma, national geographic is ALWAYS checked out...it's like a two year waiting list to get one, plus they only let adults check it out.

@Dave Sharon- Yeah Dave it was WAY AWESOME. Thanks for commenting on my blog!

@Casy- I was wondering if the tigers would pounce on Madelyn. She's not a bite sized snack. Dad says she'd be "fun-sized".

@Stasia- How freaked was Myles when you got attacked? Were you attacked when he was playing in the Jeep or just standing at the window?

Stasia said...

We were looking at the cheetah and saw it running so we hurried to a window and as we came around the corner to the window it met us there with a jump! I don't think Myles realized what was happening as he was very little - I think maybe just a year and a half old?