Monday, December 5, 2011


So today in Phonics we had to read a dumb poem out of the Phonics book about Dreams.  It wanted us to learn that the word Dreams has more than one meaning.  Sometimes it means what your brain does when you're asleep.  But other times you can use it to mean what you hope to see I dream of having a wii.

Dad and Mom thought I should hear a good example of the word dream being used as a synonym for hope.  I got to hear the whole I have a dream speech from Martin Luther King Jr.  I think that he certainly had a point and that he was giving this speech to help black people like him have true freedom. I liked that he quoted Thomas Jefferson and said all men are created equal.

Dad explained again about the Jim Crow laws.  They made it so that if you were black you couldn't go to school with white people, or use their drinking fountains, or ride on the  buses with them.  I looked at the date this speech was given and noticed that my Grandparents were alive when this happened.  I don't know if any of them remember it because Old Guy was only like 6 when it happened.


Diane Zemke said...

I don't think either one of us remember the speech. But we both remember when Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968. 1968 was a very interesting year....

Anonymous said...

Ever wondered what my pet rat dreams about when she's curled up in her igloo?

Aunt Arch