Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Charles Darwin

Today we started studying Charles Darwin in Biology.  He was born in England.  The year was 1809.  He went to college at the University of Edinburg to study medicine, but he didn't like it.  After two years he dropped out.  His family sent him to Cambridge to become a pastor.  He did not want to do that either. After Cambridge, he went aboard the HMS Beagle and was a naturalist.  Darwin published a book call On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle For Life.  However, he was not the first person who came up with the hypothesis in his book.  His book was the one that got people talking about it, though.  It still causes lots and lots of arguments today.  I will be learning more details about Darwin's work and the theory of evolutionary change in the next few weeks.


Diane Zemke said...

Darwin's father (or was it grandfather?--it was Erasmas Darwin) was part of the Lunar Society. They were a group of scientists and engineers who met monthly to learn more about science and engineering. They all lived in England and many famous scientists and engineers belonged.

Diane Zemke said...

If you go to wikipedia and enter "Lunar Society of Birmingham" you can find out all about it. If you are going to be a scientist or engineer you need other people to collaborate with and help you think about your ideas. This group helped each other think about ideas.

Jonathan said...

Thanks for the tips Grandma. Who all does Old Guy collaborate with?

Also did you know that his Grandfather in law was the guy who made Wedgewood China?